Our vision

We partner with national churches to advance the gospel of Jesus throughout West Africa.

The WARM board uses a list of seven characteristics of a flourishing church in the West Africa context as a standard for consistent planning and evaluation.

our ministry partners serve in:

Burkina Faso • Ivory Coast • The Gambia • Guinea-Bissau • Senegal • Sierra Leone

Our Team

WARM is governed by a committed international board of West African national church leaders, MTW missionaries, experienced U.S. pastors and laymen under the overall leadership of MTW’s West Africa Regional Director, Jim Weaver.

MTW’s West African Reformed Mission Board of Directors

Jim W.
Regional Director, MTW, Senegal

Bob Davis
Vice Chairman,
Timothy House Instructor, U.S.

Dick Senzig
Secretary / Treasurer, U.S.

Edrissa C.
Pastor, The Gambia

Doug Glidewell
WARM Business Development, U.S.

Nestor D.
Pastor, Ivory Coast

Dan McBride
MTW WARM Associate, U.S.

Mamadou D.
Pastor, Senegal

Denver Bartee
WARM Business Development, U.S.

Doug Bergen
WARM Building & Acquisitions, U.S. 

West African Ministry Partners

Our Primary Initiatives

Pastoral Training: Timothy House

Alongside the national church, WARM helped develop “Timothy House” a unique 2-year ministry training program which is completed in community to fit the African context.

In response to the critical need for well-trained pastors and church planters, this training is based on a wholistic model that integrates: 

  1. Theological Education

  2. Pastoral Skills (i.e. preaching labs and ministry assignments in nearby churches)

  3. Personal Spiritual Growth

Church Planting and Development

Trained national pastors are sent into unreached communities to build bridges for evangelism and with time, to grow healthy churches governed by a plurality of elders.

WARM provides financial support for church planters, a wide range of Christian Education resources (biblical studies, ruling elder training, etc.) and assists in the formation of strong presbyteries and denominations.

Economic Development

Extreme poverty is an issue that confronts all believers seeking to be salt and light in their West African communities. WARM partners with national churches to equip believers to pursue economic development for their families and community.

We provide Biblically-based training programs (entrepreneurial, financial, agricultural, and vocational), start-up funding, and ongoing coaching.

Mercy Ministry

WARM supports various short-term projects such as famine relief and short-term medical teams, along with continuing projects such as care for pastors’ widows, and our Safe Girls Home (Teranga Village) which provides a Christ-centered home for Senegalese girls at risk of being trafficked. 

“Working as one Body of Christ with our African brothers and sisters to grow the Kingdom of God in West Africa is a joy and deep privilege!”

Dick Senzig,
Board of Directors